Parent Support Group
All parents of children at Immaculate Conception School are automatically members of the Parent Support Group (PSG) and are invited and encouraged to become involved in the activities and endeavours of the PSG.
The PSG at Immaculate Conception School is an integral part of our school community and is very supportive of the school and the Council. PSG meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month 7:00PM - 8:00PM by Zoom until further notice. A link will be sent to parents by email before the meeting date. The affairs of the PSG are managed by a board of elected officers. The term for the positions is from January to December of each year with elections being held at the January meeting. The meetings are informal and friendly and are a great opportunity for parents to find out what is happening at the school and to meet other parents and school staff.
If you have any questions about the PSG please contact one of the executive members listed below.
Parent Support Group Executives
Chair: | Chelsea Handford | | |
Secretary: | Andrea Born | | |
Treasurer: | Julia Good | | |
Liaison Coordinator: | |||
Fund Raising Coordinator: | TBD | ||
Uniform Coordinator: | Carli Nachbaur |
PSG Volunteer Letter for Parents-March 2021
PSG Meeting Agenda PSG Meeting Minutes PSG Mandate
September 18, 2024 PSG Meeting Minutes PSG Mandate - 2011-Current
October 9, 2024 PSG Meeting Minutes PSG Proposed Updated Mandate
PSG Meeting Agenda, November 18, 2024 November 18, 2024 PSG Meeting Minutes
December 11, 2024 PSG Meeting Minutes
January 8, 2025 PSG Meeting Minutes
PSG Financials
PSG Fundraisers
50/50 Raffle
It is that time of year again.... the 50/50 Raffle!!!!!!!
Our PSG 50/50 Raffle will take place between November 21st-December 11th. The winning ticket will be drawn at 2 pm on Decmeber 18th. Someone will get an early Christmas present of up to $10,000.00.
Ticket booklets can be signed out at the office and all ticket books are due back on December 11th.
A heartfelt thank you to all of sponsors and antendees of Immaculate Conception School's 3rd Annual Golf Tournament
Congratulations to the winners of the 3rd Annual IC Golf Tournament, NG2!!!!!
As part of the PSG you can make a difference by volunteering behind the scenes. It takes a team of dedicated volunteers to help plan and organize, bringing these fundraisers to life. At IC, we greatly appreciate the effort our volunteers provide.
Parent Support Group - A Valuable Part of Our School
Funds raised by the Parent Support Group assist our school in many important ways. These include funds for textbooks, classroom furniture, staff Christmas gifts, field trips, classroom needs and wishlists, family bbq's, student awards, and our fantastic Healthy Hot Lunch program.
The annual Spring Fundraiser has been an essential and successful event for the PSG and has traditionally focused on a project each year. Some of the great projects that, with your help, the PSG have completed include the Trail System, Fine Arts program enhancements, Fields project, smart board installation and many more.